Help us Stuff the Bus on tax-free weekend at Trumann WalMart.
Preschool Open House information
Reserved seating information for the 2024-25 school year.
We would like to welcome Mrs. Serena Painter to our Bay Preschool. She will be the director and teacher for the 2024-25 school year. Congratulations, Mrs. Painter!
July Board Meeting
Just a reminder that the school district has an app. You can search "Bay School District AR" in the App Store or Google Play. Above are images of each of the apps.
Congratulations to Mr. Butterworth for qualifying for the Merit Pay for teachers through the LEARNS Act. Only 10% of the teachers in Arkansas qualified for the bonus. We are proud to have one of those teachers.
Board Meeting Information
We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer!
We hope you have a great summer!
The state and federal guidelines require all special education due process forms and records and Section 504 records be maintained for six years after a student leaves a special education/504 program. After six years, the special education/504 records will be destroyed as mandated by federal law. This notice does not apply to regular high school transcripts.
You have the right to review and/or take your child’s (or your) special education/504 records. These records will be available at the Bay School District’s Special Education Office, 700 School Street, through June 20, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Please call 870-781-3711 to indicate you will be picking up the records.
All remaining special education/504 records of students who dropped or graduated from Bay School District in 2018 will be destroyed on June 21, 2024.
Elementary had a blast at their Field Day today. Thank you to everyone who helped organize it and to the volunteers who came out to help.
The school year is winding down. Here is the last full week of events. The last day of school is Tuesday, May 21st.
We appreciate Nurse Amy so much! As her gift bags says, Thanks for sticking with us!
Thank you to Nurse Amy for all her hard work!
Here are the dates for all of our graduation ceremonies. They will all be in the High Schoo Gym.
It's National Principal's Day!
Information for home school students